How migrate an existing website from a server to superglobalhost Server ?

Typical migration will take 2-5 days to complete from start to finish, and this time is easily extended if significant or numerous issues are encountered. You will be notified via mail when we reach stages of the migration that require your input. Your patience during this process is appreciated.

1. The first thing we will do upon starting your migration is lower all the TTL (time to live) values of all your hosted domains' DNS records, when we are able to do so. This will allow us to minimize the downtime caused by a migration, and makes future DNS updates quicker. The new TTL value will usually take about 24 hours to propagate throughout the internet, depending on the current TTL value.

2. After the TTL has been lowered, we will begin to match all your software versions where possible. The software we match include Apache, MySQL, and PHP, including their associated modules. We attempt to identify any non-standard modules, however, if you know of any custom modules which are required we highly recommend mentioning this early to allow us to include this in the matching. There may be cases where software or versions you are using are no longer available; we will attempt to use compatible software in these cases.

3. We will then begin copying your data from your old server to your new server. The data copied will consist of all requested accounts, their emails, user home directories, databases, and any additional directories you mentioned in the questionnaire. Your sites will remain online during this time. Again, we will try to identify anything non-standard, but if you know of any content created outside of cPanel, please let us know as soon as possible so we can ensure this is also synced.

4. Once all requested accounts have been restored, and data has been synced and set up, your migration specialist will ask you to look over your sites located on your new SuperGlobalHost Server. This is done by modifying the hosts file on your local home/office computer, and allows you to test on the new server without affecting public traffic. You will be provided further instructions for testing at that time. Please make sure that you test your sites thoroughly before letting us know that you are ready to move on to the next step, as this helps to ensure that your sites will work properly when they go live. We request that you test the sites on the new server because you are most familiar with the functionality of your sites and would be able to most easily identify any functionality issues.

5. If you get any dedicated IP then you can see your website, whm and cpanel though this IP address. Suppose your dedicated IP of new server is 47.62.702.132 then you can see your site by typing http://47.62.702.132 or https://47.62.702.132 .

6. Once testing is complete, we can schedule a time to do the final sync. Since it is ideal to ensure a technician is dedicated to this task, and so that we can start promptly at your desired time, we recommend scheduling a final sync at least 24 hours in advance. Let us know what time works best for you so that we can reserve it on our calendar. When your web developer find everything work well then we will schedule a time and date with you for your final sync. During the final sync we will shut down several processes on your old server (Apache, Email, cPanel), and copy any changed files, mail, or databases. This sync absolutely must be scheduled in advance as our schedule fills up quickly and we will likely not have an open time slot unless you have reserved it in advance.

7. At the time of final sync we will change the DNS zone files on your old server to point to your new server (if the DNS is hosted locally). During the final sync you will experience some downtime from the stopped services, the amount of which will depend on how many files are being moved and how much of the content has been modified since the last data transfer.

You can see that the updates are public and propagated by using this tool :

8. Once the final sync is complete, we will ask you to once again check over your sites. If everything looks good then you will need change your DNS name server IPs at your registrar (if applicable) and the migration will be complete.

9. Please note: If you are migrating from an existing SuperGlobalHost Web server then your old account/server will not be canceled automatically. After ensuring your data has been migrated, and you are ready to cancel your old account/server, please contact us to process the cancellation and avoid overage charges.

10. Now is a good time to ensure that you have appropriate backups set up and enabled for your data. Server-side backups can be enabled through WHM or you can create full backup from cpanel.

  • migration, website, server, SuperGlobalHost
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